Can you trust your Doctor?

lemons for prevention instead of masses of pills.

Bevormundung statt Hilfe im Gesundheitssystem – ein Erfahrungsbericht

Wenn Du auf dem Land lebst, bist Du von Natur umgeben. Und dazu gehören Mücken, Fliegen und vieles mehr. Dafür gibt es aber auch noch Schwalben, die sich von ihnen ernähren, die aber in den desinfizierten Städten kaum noch vorhanden sind. Wer weiß. Vielleicht sind sie auch bald am Aussterben, wenn wir so weitermachen mit der Giftspritze. 

Zu den unangenehmen Tierchen gehören die Zecken, deren Zweck in der Natur  mir nicht bekannt ist, aber sie sind halt eben da. Und man kann davon gebissen werden. Es gibt Gegenden in Europa, wo FSME gehäuft auftritt, und auch Borreliose.  Italien, wo ich lebe, gehört da definitiv nicht dazu.

Das Zeckenproblem

Ich hatte sehr viele Zeckenbisse in meinem Leben. Als Kind und Jugendliche in Oberfranken, im Urlaub in der Steiermark (beides gefährdete Gebiete für negative Folgen von Zeckenbissen) und unzählige Male hier in meinem Anwesen im italienischen Umbrien. 

Diesmal zog ich die Zecke nachts  im Halbschlaf heraus, und zum ersten Mal blieben die Beißwerkzeuge drin. Blöd gelaufen. Das Internet sagt, gleich rausmachen erhöht die Infektionsgefahr der Wunde, am besten Wundcreme drauf und abwarten. Das tat ich und in 2 Tagen entwickelte sich ein kleines Entzündungspolster um die Bissstelle, während in früheren Fällen nur eine kreisförmige Rötung für einige Tage entstand und dann abflaute.

Beim Arzt – Bevormundung statt Beratung

Ich musste sowieso bei meinem Hausarzt vorbei und ich bat ihn, die Zecke rauszumachen, denn sie war an einer schwer einsehbaren Stelle für mich selber. Der geriet mal wieder in Aufruhr: Antibiotika musst Du gleich nehmen! (Das hatte ich schon das letzte Mal verweigert). 

Keine Berücksichtigung der Sachverhalte und Konsequenzen

Eben hatte ich dem Arzt  erzählt, dass ich einen Internisten aufsuchen möchte (er muss dafür eine Weiterleitung ausstellen), weil ich Darmprobleme habe, denen ich mit Probiotics und täglichem Selleriesaft bisher noch nicht super erfolgreich begegnen konnte. Und jetzt soll ich, eben mal so, wieder Antibiotika nehmen, zur Prophylaxe, wie er sagt. Antibiotika zerstören aber bekannterweise die Darmflora und verringern damit meine Darmprobleme sicher nicht . Er wurde ärgerlich weil ich nein sagte und er versuchte, mir Angst einzujagen, dass ich, dann wenn…., ins Krankenhaus müßte (er beschrieb es so, als wäre man dann halb oder ganz tot), und er habe schon 5 Fälle gesehen, wo das die Folge war.

Unverhältnismäßigkeit in der Behandlung

5 Fälle in 30+ Jahren Tätigkeit als lokaler Arzt! Und dafür sollen sich die vielen Menschen, die jährlich von Zecken gebissen werden, regelmäßig die Darmflora zerstören, einfach so? Er wurde auch ärgerlich, als ich ihn an die zunehmende Antibiotik-Resistenz in der Bevölkerung erinnerte, die auf unnötige und unsachgemäße Medikation beruht, und dass die Nebenwirkungen von Arzneimitteln einer der Hauptursachen für das Sterben der Patienten ist, nicht die ursprüngliche Krankheit selber. 

Patienten sollen sich der Macht des Arztes unterwerfen

Ich habe zuf#llig einen Bruder, der Arzt ist und sich mit diesen Dingen beschäftigt, ebenso mit wahrer Vorbeugung, z.B. durch Stärkung des Immunsystems. Das zu sagen, machte wenigstens etwas Eindruck auf meinen Arzt, der seine Patienten behandelt wie unmündige Kinder, die keine Stimme im Parlament haben, und die er zum Tablettenkonsum anregt, nicht zuletzt durch massive Drohungen. Ich sprach an, dass Angstmache sicher nicht eine gute Behandlungsmethode ist. Naja, vielleicht denkt er ja mal darüber nach im stillen Kämmerlein.

“Normalen” Ärzten geht es nicht um Heilung

Eines wurde mir wieder mal deutlich: wir sind die Spielbälle der Schulmediziner und deren beschränktes Wissen über HEILUNG, im Gegensatz zur Symptombekämpfung (es gibt ein paar rühmliche Ausnahmen unter der Ärzteschaft, kein Zweifel).

In meinem Fall sehe ich, dass ich hier in meiner Lebenssituation keinen Arzt habe, dem ich mich gern anvertrauen würde. Ich fühle mich alleingelassen und hoffe nur, dass ich mir nichts Ernsthaftes einfange, um nicht im “Gesundheitssystem” entmündigt zu werden, wenn ich mich nicht mehr dagegen wehren kann.

Antibiotika sind super – wenn sie angebracht sind

PS: Ich werde natürlich Antibiotika nehmen, wenn die Schwellung nach der Entfernung der Störelemente nicht eindeutig geringer wird. Nicht selber in diese irrationalen Ängste zu fallen und geduldig abzuwarten ist natürlich eine Herausforderung, die viele Menschen nicht annehmen wollen, die aber sicherlich eine Chance ist zu weiterem persönlichen Wachstum, zum Training in Selbstverantwortung. 

Waking up to climate change – or the shadow of GREEN.

How Green started

I grew up in the sixties. My mother kept a vegetable garden to feed her 5 children. Working too hard, she got a heart disease and had to stop. But the idea of connecting with nature and taking care remained. In the 70ies she founded a citizen’s movement where they collected used plastic items and tried to find enterprises for recycling. This was long before the plastic waste topic entered into public consciousness.

When I lived in Berlin I had an old farmhouse in the then so called “Westdeutschland”. My biggest joy when I arrived there, was to find what had grown in my garden while I was at University. I had started out with physics, but then I  changed the subject. Today though, I am coming back to it. For 30years now, I have been living in the Italian countryside, in close contact with nature, with solar panels on the roof and organic farming. 

Physics and climate change

Now I am keenly interested in physics and other sciences. Why? Because the climate change topic is filling up every corner and people try to tell me that my car is causing the death of our planet.

Climate change  was not in the forefront of my mind so far, as I haven’t been watching the latest news for decades. Whenever the weather is different from what we would like, I certainly started to say: “climate change?” as a possible explanation. People always complain about the weather – but, weather is not the same as climate! Before the climate change discussions we didn’t have a scapegoat, except God himself who dared to send us rain or heat when we didn’t want it. Our memories are short; every time we think: “this is exceptional, it has never been like this” etc. it is not necessarily true. It is just the way we humans deal with reality.

If you don’t go for it, you are guilty

Now, when I had to defend myself why I didn’t want to join the “Friday for Future” manifestations, I started to get interested. I get accused of being in favor of the death of future generations –


If people really believe things like that, then it is time to find out what information they are fed, what myths they are believing. Such an accusation is really heavy and should have some real fundament when you utter it. 

The scientist in me woke up and together with the psychologist the integralist and the life-experienced part of me started to research.

The psychological basis

When you live in another country than were you were born and grown up, you keep the memory of your home country often, at the point where you left it. You don’t live the changes, you believe, it is like then, when you knew it. It is often an awakening in itself, when you realise that things have changed there, while you were away. But this is also a huge chance because you have the possibility to see things from a distance: you are not involved in parties and power games, preferences and dislikes. You are somewhat neutral while understanding the mentality of the people inside out.

How development works and the problem with green.

When humans develop, they naturally distance themselves of what they were and believed in the previous stage. If the development goes right, the insights and skills of the previous stages  will be integrated and used appropriately. Green rejects science and acts out of the emotional center. This is understandable, but it grows into paradoxes which people in the green mindset are unable to even perceive, let alone address. The contradictions they create in their minds and actions are huge. As long as they are not in decision power, it is no problem. Everyone has the right to get himself – or herself – into trouble. But if the political powers bring their own contradictions as guiding force into the decision making process, everyone is impacted.

The green-blue-purple potpourri is not science

The present climate debate is a strange mixture of green ideals, conventional thinking and magical beliefs. Science is used in scientistic ways: The ideological scientists start with what they want to show. Then they look for arguments, or research results, which feed their assumptions. Real science, instead, is open to the outcome. It starts with a hypothesis and tries to falsify it (instead of trying to prove it!). Serious scientists assume their hypothesis to be proven only as long as they cannot find any valid contradictory argument. They use evidence instead of purely mathematical models which can be changed at will by just changing one parameter. With the last sort of science you can create whatever outcome you want. (Read “The science delusion or “Science set free” by Rupert Sheldrake”

People’s habit of fearing death

Every generation has its version of doomsday, nothing new under the sky. But when this comes out of fundamentalist beliefs in simple causes, in the “climate” case the CO2, then it is time to rethink the story. Decisions are being made which are very likely to create real damage in the short term and for the people right now (as opposed to possible humans in decades or centuries from now),.

Fundamentalist progressives – progressive fundamentalsists?

The weirdest thing, in my eyes, is that the defenders of human made climate change believe to be progressive, at the forefront of society, while in fact they are mainstream. They have succeeded to instill their ideas everywhere and are dominating the discourse. Other voices are repressed, for instance by untruthful Wikipedia entries, which are full of not proven accusations and polemics, in which the described people have no voice at all. Scientists who try their best to give a bigger picture are insulted and accused of whatever seems to make the most effect in the eyes of the listeners.

In short: the previously liberal Germany has entered into the “politically correct” society, where people are not heard and they are fought against if they happen to speak against the ruling ideology. 

Repeating the errors of the past?

I am really wondering if we are not repeating the last century? Totalitarian societies seem to be the goal, everywhere. The idea of democracy is beautiful, its birth painful and long. And its delicate flower is very prone to be destroyed by people who are not yet ready to be responsible citizens, who need an authority to tell them what they should believe and think and do. Erich Fromm wrote a book about that in 1941, in the face of WWII. “The Fear of Freedom

We seem to be in the same situation now, again, where people prefer to live in ideologies instead of being open themselves to reality, evidence and logical empathic thinking, free of falling into the trap of the triangle: victim – perpetrator – rescuer. The climate change warriors want to “save the world” by imposing their simple and limited ideas on people of the rest of the world who are less noisy and get cut off  when they dare to open the mouth. 

The fallacy of believing in simple solutions.

The world is far more complex than imposing CO2 taxes and everything will be fine. It will be problematic, it will increase the gap between rich and poor in the rich countries and it simply cannot be followed in developing countries if they don’t want to buy into their own suicide. 

So why should we throw away our living standards for an idea which by no means is proven to be true? People are told white lies, incomplete or manipulated research data, ideological interpretations and more, they are abused like the masses who wanted the “total war” 90 years ago

We humans are not able to think for ourselves when we are caught in fear. The climate change movement is spreading fear in an unbelievable way.

Green started with the desire to protect NATURE.

 Before all that, we tried to protect nature by the justified preoccupation of losing too many species. Now the mass murder of birds and the destruction of woods and beautiful landscapes are ignored when it comes to windmills. The solar panel fields are not only ugly, but they destroy huge areas of nature and the natural habitat of many animals.

Shouldn’t we begin to think that there is something not right here? 

Do you want to protect nature now? Or do you agree to destroy it now for a completely arbitrary and insecure scenario in the future?


Having said all that I want to underline that I don’t ignore that the climate is changing. Everything in life is changing all the time and it is useless to try to keep things as they are. I am not sure that CO2 is the culprit, there are scientists who proof that our globe is living in cycles of warm and cold and the previous warm periods were certainly not caused by cars and airplanes. 

I am for unbiased research which takes into account as many factors as possible, from sun and clouds to regional differences. (The Arctic had increased in ice for a few years when already everyone spoke about global warming. Maybe it is not global? A detailed reading of data HERE).

I am for looking at the methods how the research is done and how “truth” is constructed. And I am for radical consideration of the do-ability and the impact which the decisions will have on all areas of life, in Europe and on the planet.

Bjorn Lomborg has done an extensive study on what to do to make the world a better place. How much money spent can do how much good to people in the world. Infant nutrition is in the first places in huge positive correlation, climate investments – you probably didn’t know! – have a minus correlation. He has written detailed books (one here) and has given easily understandable talks (for instance this one). Why not get informed about that when you want to be helpful for the people on this planet?

The Troyan Horse is lurking everywhere behind the corner!

Last but not least: “Follow the money”! Who is earning on the climate change fear?  And who will be paying it – or better: is already paying it? As long as we do not consider the other side of the medal we are likely to make huge and maybe irreparable errors which will be load for the generations to come – other than CO2! 

The color code mentioned in this article indicate levels of development in SPIRAL DYNAMICS