Did you know that we could live in a clean and healthy environment, that the world wouldn’t know poverty anymore and everyone could have all f the energy they need for free?
Did you know that the technology to accomplish all this emerged already 100 years ago and since the 50’s is fully developed?
So why do we still burn fossil fuels, poison our air and use the oceans as dustbin for plastic and the litter of our doing?
Did you ever ask yourself that question? And if so, did you think: well, that’s how our economy works and probably it is not true that we all could be off the grid.
A former method for free energy
That means that you have bought into the official story which those who hold the power are busy telling us. They were the ones who made sure that all your doubts would be called “conspiracy theory” and ridiculed as products of immature minds.
So what do you need to change your mind?
EVIDENCE and not simply vague ideas.
Will you dare to look into the evidence and become aware of what really is going on in the world, behind the scenes and out of normal people’s imagination?
Isn’t it better to KNOW instead of GUESSING?
My personal experience:
The truth erases the lies and sets us free
Since I really know these things, paradoxically, I feel much quieter and more confident. It is better to know what we encounter instead of panicking when something unexpected happens which, instead, we could have foreseen. That’s me. Only 2 years ago I would have believed what most of you still believe. But the evidence has opened my eyes and mind and I also have gained a certain idea what I – or better we – can do in the face of reality which is hidden under huge veils of secrecy.
An Invitation
We invite you to watch the movie “Unacknowledged” by Steven Greer (and from there many other videos with testimonial interviews and presentations, if you like). The movie, on the surface, talks about Extraterrestrials and their existence on Earth.
But extraterrestrials are not the real topic.
The underlying question is: Why is the presence of beings from other planets or galaxies so ridiculed and suppressed? Why is there the highest grade of secrecy applied to this topic in ways that even the US presidents are denied access to the information?
The answer is astonishingly simple: The existence of what can be summarized as “FREE ENERGY”, which has been detected by scientists from the early 20th century on and what has also been found in the so called UFOs which have crashed on earth and which have been eagerly studied by the military to re-engineer their energy system.
The end of pollution and poverty in the world
If the Government released the documentation people would know that free energy is available and would ask why they don’t get it and why they are forced to breath dangerous air and drink polluted water and helplessly watch the effects of climate change. Our economic system would collapse when we have free energy available for all of us. And there are certainly many people who don’t want that but prefer to destroy the planet.
The evidence is undeniable. It has woken me up from a dream of “somehow we will go on” and “people try to do their best, they are not evil in their hearts”. Well, some are and they are enough to destroy life on our planet if we don’t wake up, all of us, and present our request for life-fostering technology and stop the destruction.
BTW. I am not astonished that there is resistance to release all documentation around the death of J.F.Kennedy. He is said to have tried to get the information and bring it to the public, about the UFOs and the connected technology. A coincidence?
If you live in Central Italy, Umbria, Lazio o Tuscany, you can watch the movie on Sunday, Nov.26th at 10.30 am at Cinema Mario Moricelli in Narni. After the vision we will have a snack/lunch and time to discuss the subject. Please let us know if you come so we can prepare sufficient food.
Organized by the Non-Profit Associazione Culturale “Il Paradiso Integrale” Otricoli www.paradisointegrale.com
Some days ago a friend told us that his house in Santa Rosa was completely destroyed by the “wildfires”. When we saw the pics of the devastated residential area we became curious: how can that be? We have learned that we cannot trust official information and so we went to dig for what other people had to say about what happened.
We went on Youtube to get information from watchmen and firefighters. Immediately we found the message: that is not normal, there is something else going on here.
Discovering the Power of the Red Queen
We were really shocked about what we learned, and the term “conspiracy theory” is really not applicable to most of it. The fires which destroyed the house of our friend certainly are not yet researched enough but a lot of hints go into a certain direction.
I will give you the info we found and which, if you feel ready, you can absorb or not. You might become angry, but in my experience the truth sets free, even if it is a VERY uncomfortable one.
We first watched:
At about min 5 there is an excerpt of a talk by Dr.Judy Wood about “weird fires” which were observed at 9/11
Going deeper – a disconcerting shock: Why did we not see this?
This made us curious and we looked up that women – which brought us to another conference where she delivers all evidence that the twin towers were brought down, neither by airplanes, nor by terrorists, but by a new technology which, when used properly, would have freed up already 50 years ago from fossile fuel.
Back to Santa Rosa
This gives some shocking “coincidences” of the Santa Rosa Fires
Is this another testing ground for the murderous technologies?
Why would people attack and destroy their own people?
Here the psychological background info to what is in human nature: a talk by Dr.Jordan Peterson who is a professor in psychology and clinical psychotherapist who has studied profoundly the deep black corners of the human soul.
In need to save Democracy – a call for all of us
If you have read so far and if you have watched this info: What will you do with it? I think, we as “integral” or “conscious” people need to stand up against what is happening in the world where people discuss about the question of who is the next or the present President – which is totally irrelevant in the face what is really happening and of what the president has no idea or information.
This is what everyone needs to know:
The real power is in the deep government which is completely out of control of any democratic institution. They run the show. And for that there is a ton of absolutely credible evidence. Steven Greer is working on it for 20 years to undisclose the secrecy, having run the risk of being killed himself as were some of his collaborators. His latest documentary “Unacknowledged” shows you the evidence in form of classified documents and testimony interviews. The movie is to be paid at the moment but you can view many interviews on Youtube for free which were used in the movie
There are many people directly involved – why don’t they all speak up?
As a last video a presentation of an involved man who asked that the video would be published only after his death (Otherwise he would have had serious problems, as is noted in many other cases of people who dared to tell what they know about the malignant intentions behind the scenes). He tells you in what atrocious manner his technology was stolen and abused. “1984” is nothing against present reality! And we believe in the power of positive thinking while ignoring the evil intentions of those who really have the power – not the politicians, for sure.
Racism, Political Correctness, Freedom of Speech (or it’s negation) and even “anti-bias training” are the key-words of post modern society. But they are grounded in error which I will explain using the topic RACSIM. Racism, as we see it today, has two origins. One is the biologically innate fear of “The Other”, the second is a confusion of certain attributes of people, like skin color, with their value systems which is shaping their behavior.
In the following I want to give you a short introduction about why it is not racism when people fight against all sorts of “others”, like immigrants or blacks or whites or whomever. Then I will share two videos. One explains the human drive to violence and the other the value systems of humans and how they develop.
The innate fear of the OTHER
living in a tribe
From the beginning of time humans’ main concern in life, besides looking for food, was the desire for safety. Most creatures are less safe alone than when they form groups for mutual protection. Humans built tribes as the first form of living together more than 10000 years ago. In the Tribal Stage humans felt safe inside the group and they radically fought everyone who appeared at their “doorstep” who definitely was “the Other”, which was the same as “the Enemy”, an entity which needed to be killed. Tribes provided safety for the members but they prevented individuality. Everybody was confined to the habits and requirements of their specific tribe.
The Hero kills the dragon
Later on, new ideas emerged: the hero appeared who leaves home to become a successful individual – or to fail and perish. This is the Egocentric Stage where the own individuality emerges and is expressed in the world, often in quite violent ways.
Then the necessity arose to contain the egocentric manifestation of men who oppressed their people with tyranny. They fought bloody wars in the pursuit of their personal power with those who were guided by some other tyrant – which was the Enemy. When this way of being in the world became intolerable, rules of living together were established in specific groups of individuals, and then the members of those groups cared for each other by following the rules and recognising a higher purpose in human life which was not anymore confined to survival or power. This was the conformist stage. Safety was found, again, in the group which then was an ethnic community or even a nation. Enemies are all those who don’t belong to the specific ethnicity or nation.
Many countries in the world are still arrested in the first 4 stages of development, while many western societies have climbed up two more steps.
Please watch the video below which explains “Spiral Dynamics Integral”, the research on the evolution of societies and the development of individuals which is connected to the evolution of values and worldviews.
Introduction to SDi 1
What we call RACISM today has nothing to do with RACE
From the very short outline which I gave you above you can see that in different stages of human development safety is found in different ways and the definition of “the ENEMY” varies accordingly. While in early times the enemy belonged to another tribe, in the egocentric stage the enemy is EVERYBODY WHO THREATENS MY POWER. In the conformist stage the enemy is EVERYBODY WHO DOESN’T BELONG TO MY NATION or ethnic group.
The present USA was formed by many immigrants from Europe starting from the 1500’s. During the centuries they amalgamated to a rather homogeneous population. Their differences in culture and development were small from the beginning; they could reach a common understanding quite easily and grew together to the next stages. The egocentric behaviours of the first times were tamed and a sufficiently united nation arose.
Tribalism meets conformists
Then the slaves came to America. Yes, they were black, but first of all they came from a purely tribal background into a country which already had grown out of tribalism for some time. The differences in behavior and worldview were clearly visible – and they were also the reason why the “white Americans” were able to exploit the black slaves in the way they did. Belonging is the main need for tribal people, not fighting against power. So they accepted their role as slaves belonging to some master, naturally.
Slowly the consciousness arose that dominating others is not morally right and the slaves were freed – not always to their immediate advantage as they were not used to stand up for themselves as mature individuals, due to their tribal identity. As a response to the changed life conditions black people in America grew into the egocentric stage, also called the “warrior stage” and in time single individuals had the chance to grow into higher levels of development when they met the right conditions in their life, as for instance individual help in education or living in a surrounding which encourages growth and development.
Racism in USA – a clash of value systems
Racism against blacks or Mexicans actually has not much to do with the skin color of people or even of the geographical provenance. As outlined above, many blacks in America belong to the warrior stage or below – and so do Mexicans, Africans or other third world populations. Missing differentiation creates the appearance that the problem is “the Blacks” or “the Mexicans”, but it is their OTHERNESS which creates the refusal to recognize them as peers. They are not peers because they live within another worldview, within a different value system which the Americans refuse to recognize as still valid. They in their majority have gone through that period already. They are also rather dismissive of the subgroup of their own population which is still caught in the egocentric stage – which finds expression often in criminal activity. So criminality is easily equated to Blacks or any other ethnic or social group from “outside”.
You don’t need to have different skin color or to be born in a different nation: A new form of racism against home born Americans is coming through these days by the stigmatisation of “white males” as the oppressors of minorities like “black women” or LGBT’s. It is brought forth by postmodern activists who – instead of embracing the positive values of post-modernism – fall back into previous developmental stages and fight for their own power on the backs of those who they pretend to fight for. They ignore the rules of society and intend to destroy the structures which they believe to be oppressive and totally arbitrary and without intrinsic meaning. And doing so they throw the baby out with the bathwater and celebrate their fall back into previous stages of development with the credo of a stage, the post-modern “green” stage (in terms of “Spiral Dynamics”), on their lips which actually would be the most advanced stage in our western societies if it had been reached in a healthy way.
Violence – a biological ingrained trait in humans
If humanity had indulged in violence as expressed in the egocentric stage of development we probably wouldn’t be here today to talk about the situation in the world. We would have annihilated our species with much probability if we hadn’t found a way to tame the destructive emotions of the individuals. Religious beliefs emerged and with them a guidance of how to live our lives properly. Rules were established on how to treat each other and those who didn’t obey the rules were marginalised, imprisoned or killed – mainly the same mechanisms which we still find today.
The emergence of this stage in our development, the conformist stage, made it possible for humanity to stay alive and avoid self-extinction.
Are we able to handle our challenges today?
Today we are again at a similar moment where self extinction is a possibility, due to the same egocentric drive among individuals in “leadership” positions. But actually it is more complicated than that as we have to deal with two more levels of development in action, modernism and post-modernism which both add their pathologies to the mix and make it even more explosive and dangerous than medieval killings with sticks, knives and swords.
Listen to the explanations of Dr. Jordan Peterson about the history of violence and you will get some important insights why the new-age ideas of mere positive thinking as a remedy for everything is just not enough – and even dangerous when we adopt those thoughts as our idea of existence. We are naive when we ignore the deeper reality – and we are easy prey to malevolence and evil.
A History of Violence: an interview with Dr. Jordan Peterson
Conflicts arise all the time when humans live together. Whether people can handle conflicts and even transform them into growth and development depends on their personal growth, their level of resilience and, at least partly, on their level of development. Lower levels, especially the warrior stage, encourage confrontation and destruction, while higher levels, the “green” stage, encourages love and compassion in the case of interpersonal problems. Unfortunately, even the green level has not yet all the means to really step out of the treadmill and see the bigger picture where all conflict is seen as an expression and clash of worldviews whose members believe they possess the one and only truth and all the others are wrong. Such a position cannot lead to understanding and peace by its very assumptions: “only WE are right”.
Humanity must grow as a whole and leave behind the first 6 stages of development before they really will be able to create peace on earth.
At least a certain percentage needs to be there and those individuals need to learn a language with which they can reach those on lower levels of development and gently – or not so gently, depending on whom they are dealing with – bring them to a new and better understanding about what really matters in life.