Did you know that we could live in a clean and healthy environment, that the world wouldn’t know poverty anymore and everyone could have all f the energy they need for free?
Did you know that the technology to accomplish all this emerged already 100 years ago and since the 50’s is fully developed?
So why do we still burn fossil fuels, poison our air and use the oceans as dustbin for plastic and the litter of our doing?
Did you ever ask yourself that question? And if so, did you think: well, that’s how our economy works and probably it is not true that we all could be off the grid.
A former method for free energy
That means that you have bought into the official story which those who hold the power are busy telling us. They were the ones who made sure that all your doubts would be called “conspiracy theory” and ridiculed as products of immature minds.
So what do you need to change your mind?
EVIDENCE and not simply vague ideas.
Will you dare to look into the evidence and become aware of what really is going on in the world, behind the scenes and out of normal people’s imagination?
Isn’t it better to KNOW instead of GUESSING?
My personal experience:
The truth erases the lies and sets us free
Since I really know these things, paradoxically, I feel much quieter and more confident. It is better to know what we encounter instead of panicking when something unexpected happens which, instead, we could have foreseen. That’s me. Only 2 years ago I would have believed what most of you still believe. But the evidence has opened my eyes and mind and I also have gained a certain idea what I – or better we – can do in the face of reality which is hidden under huge veils of secrecy.
An Invitation
We invite you to watch the movie “Unacknowledged” by Steven Greer (and from there many other videos with testimonial interviews and presentations, if you like). The movie, on the surface, talks about Extraterrestrials and their existence on Earth.
But extraterrestrials are not the real topic.
The underlying question is: Why is the presence of beings from other planets or galaxies so ridiculed and suppressed? Why is there the highest grade of secrecy applied to this topic in ways that even the US presidents are denied access to the information?
The answer is astonishingly simple: The existence of what can be summarized as “FREE ENERGY”, which has been detected by scientists from the early 20th century on and what has also been found in the so called UFOs which have crashed on earth and which have been eagerly studied by the military to re-engineer their energy system.
The end of pollution and poverty in the world
If the Government released the documentation people would know that free energy is available and would ask why they don’t get it and why they are forced to breath dangerous air and drink polluted water and helplessly watch the effects of climate change. Our economic system would collapse when we have free energy available for all of us. And there are certainly many people who don’t want that but prefer to destroy the planet.
The evidence is undeniable. It has woken me up from a dream of “somehow we will go on” and “people try to do their best, they are not evil in their hearts”. Well, some are and they are enough to destroy life on our planet if we don’t wake up, all of us, and present our request for life-fostering technology and stop the destruction.
BTW. I am not astonished that there is resistance to release all documentation around the death of J.F.Kennedy. He is said to have tried to get the information and bring it to the public, about the UFOs and the connected technology. A coincidence?
If you live in Central Italy, Umbria, Lazio o Tuscany, you can watch the movie on Sunday, Nov.26th at 10.30 am at Cinema Mario Moricelli in Narni. After the vision we will have a snack/lunch and time to discuss the subject. Please let us know if you come so we can prepare sufficient food.
Organized by the Non-Profit Associazione Culturale “Il Paradiso Integrale” Otricoli www.paradisointegrale.com
Some days ago a friend told us that his house in Santa Rosa was completely destroyed by the “wildfires”. When we saw the pics of the devastated residential area we became curious: how can that be? We have learned that we cannot trust official information and so we went to dig for what other people had to say about what happened.
We went on Youtube to get information from watchmen and firefighters. Immediately we found the message: that is not normal, there is something else going on here.
Discovering the Power of the Red Queen
We were really shocked about what we learned, and the term “conspiracy theory” is really not applicable to most of it. The fires which destroyed the house of our friend certainly are not yet researched enough but a lot of hints go into a certain direction.
I will give you the info we found and which, if you feel ready, you can absorb or not. You might become angry, but in my experience the truth sets free, even if it is a VERY uncomfortable one.
We first watched:
At about min 5 there is an excerpt of a talk by Dr.Judy Wood about “weird fires” which were observed at 9/11
Going deeper – a disconcerting shock: Why did we not see this?
This made us curious and we looked up that women – which brought us to another conference where she delivers all evidence that the twin towers were brought down, neither by airplanes, nor by terrorists, but by a new technology which, when used properly, would have freed up already 50 years ago from fossile fuel.
Back to Santa Rosa
This gives some shocking “coincidences” of the Santa Rosa Fires
Is this another testing ground for the murderous technologies?
Why would people attack and destroy their own people?
Here the psychological background info to what is in human nature: a talk by Dr.Jordan Peterson who is a professor in psychology and clinical psychotherapist who has studied profoundly the deep black corners of the human soul.
In need to save Democracy – a call for all of us
If you have read so far and if you have watched this info: What will you do with it? I think, we as “integral” or “conscious” people need to stand up against what is happening in the world where people discuss about the question of who is the next or the present President – which is totally irrelevant in the face what is really happening and of what the president has no idea or information.
This is what everyone needs to know:
The real power is in the deep government which is completely out of control of any democratic institution. They run the show. And for that there is a ton of absolutely credible evidence. Steven Greer is working on it for 20 years to undisclose the secrecy, having run the risk of being killed himself as were some of his collaborators. His latest documentary “Unacknowledged” shows you the evidence in form of classified documents and testimony interviews. The movie is to be paid at the moment but you can view many interviews on Youtube for free which were used in the movie
There are many people directly involved – why don’t they all speak up?
As a last video a presentation of an involved man who asked that the video would be published only after his death (Otherwise he would have had serious problems, as is noted in many other cases of people who dared to tell what they know about the malignant intentions behind the scenes). He tells you in what atrocious manner his technology was stolen and abused. “1984” is nothing against present reality! And we believe in the power of positive thinking while ignoring the evil intentions of those who really have the power – not the politicians, for sure.
Racism, Political Correctness, Freedom of Speech (or it’s negation) and even “anti-bias training” are the key-words of post modern society. But they are grounded in error which I will explain using the topic RACSIM. Racism, as we see it today, has two origins. One is the biologically innate fear of “The Other”, the second is a confusion of certain attributes of people, like skin color, with their value systems which is shaping their behavior.
In the following I want to give you a short introduction about why it is not racism when people fight against all sorts of “others”, like immigrants or blacks or whites or whomever. Then I will share two videos. One explains the human drive to violence and the other the value systems of humans and how they develop.
The innate fear of the OTHER
living in a tribe
From the beginning of time humans’ main concern in life, besides looking for food, was the desire for safety. Most creatures are less safe alone than when they form groups for mutual protection. Humans built tribes as the first form of living together more than 10000 years ago. In the Tribal Stage humans felt safe inside the group and they radically fought everyone who appeared at their “doorstep” who definitely was “the Other”, which was the same as “the Enemy”, an entity which needed to be killed. Tribes provided safety for the members but they prevented individuality. Everybody was confined to the habits and requirements of their specific tribe.
The Hero kills the dragon
Later on, new ideas emerged: the hero appeared who leaves home to become a successful individual – or to fail and perish. This is the Egocentric Stage where the own individuality emerges and is expressed in the world, often in quite violent ways.
Then the necessity arose to contain the egocentric manifestation of men who oppressed their people with tyranny. They fought bloody wars in the pursuit of their personal power with those who were guided by some other tyrant – which was the Enemy. When this way of being in the world became intolerable, rules of living together were established in specific groups of individuals, and then the members of those groups cared for each other by following the rules and recognising a higher purpose in human life which was not anymore confined to survival or power. This was the conformist stage. Safety was found, again, in the group which then was an ethnic community or even a nation. Enemies are all those who don’t belong to the specific ethnicity or nation.
Many countries in the world are still arrested in the first 4 stages of development, while many western societies have climbed up two more steps.
Please watch the video below which explains “Spiral Dynamics Integral”, the research on the evolution of societies and the development of individuals which is connected to the evolution of values and worldviews.
Introduction to SDi 1
What we call RACISM today has nothing to do with RACE
From the very short outline which I gave you above you can see that in different stages of human development safety is found in different ways and the definition of “the ENEMY” varies accordingly. While in early times the enemy belonged to another tribe, in the egocentric stage the enemy is EVERYBODY WHO THREATENS MY POWER. In the conformist stage the enemy is EVERYBODY WHO DOESN’T BELONG TO MY NATION or ethnic group.
The present USA was formed by many immigrants from Europe starting from the 1500’s. During the centuries they amalgamated to a rather homogeneous population. Their differences in culture and development were small from the beginning; they could reach a common understanding quite easily and grew together to the next stages. The egocentric behaviours of the first times were tamed and a sufficiently united nation arose.
Tribalism meets conformists
Then the slaves came to America. Yes, they were black, but first of all they came from a purely tribal background into a country which already had grown out of tribalism for some time. The differences in behavior and worldview were clearly visible – and they were also the reason why the “white Americans” were able to exploit the black slaves in the way they did. Belonging is the main need for tribal people, not fighting against power. So they accepted their role as slaves belonging to some master, naturally.
Slowly the consciousness arose that dominating others is not morally right and the slaves were freed – not always to their immediate advantage as they were not used to stand up for themselves as mature individuals, due to their tribal identity. As a response to the changed life conditions black people in America grew into the egocentric stage, also called the “warrior stage” and in time single individuals had the chance to grow into higher levels of development when they met the right conditions in their life, as for instance individual help in education or living in a surrounding which encourages growth and development.
Racism in USA – a clash of value systems
Racism against blacks or Mexicans actually has not much to do with the skin color of people or even of the geographical provenance. As outlined above, many blacks in America belong to the warrior stage or below – and so do Mexicans, Africans or other third world populations. Missing differentiation creates the appearance that the problem is “the Blacks” or “the Mexicans”, but it is their OTHERNESS which creates the refusal to recognize them as peers. They are not peers because they live within another worldview, within a different value system which the Americans refuse to recognize as still valid. They in their majority have gone through that period already. They are also rather dismissive of the subgroup of their own population which is still caught in the egocentric stage – which finds expression often in criminal activity. So criminality is easily equated to Blacks or any other ethnic or social group from “outside”.
You don’t need to have different skin color or to be born in a different nation: A new form of racism against home born Americans is coming through these days by the stigmatisation of “white males” as the oppressors of minorities like “black women” or LGBT’s. It is brought forth by postmodern activists who – instead of embracing the positive values of post-modernism – fall back into previous developmental stages and fight for their own power on the backs of those who they pretend to fight for. They ignore the rules of society and intend to destroy the structures which they believe to be oppressive and totally arbitrary and without intrinsic meaning. And doing so they throw the baby out with the bathwater and celebrate their fall back into previous stages of development with the credo of a stage, the post-modern “green” stage (in terms of “Spiral Dynamics”), on their lips which actually would be the most advanced stage in our western societies if it had been reached in a healthy way.
Violence – a biological ingrained trait in humans
If humanity had indulged in violence as expressed in the egocentric stage of development we probably wouldn’t be here today to talk about the situation in the world. We would have annihilated our species with much probability if we hadn’t found a way to tame the destructive emotions of the individuals. Religious beliefs emerged and with them a guidance of how to live our lives properly. Rules were established on how to treat each other and those who didn’t obey the rules were marginalised, imprisoned or killed – mainly the same mechanisms which we still find today.
The emergence of this stage in our development, the conformist stage, made it possible for humanity to stay alive and avoid self-extinction.
Are we able to handle our challenges today?
Today we are again at a similar moment where self extinction is a possibility, due to the same egocentric drive among individuals in “leadership” positions. But actually it is more complicated than that as we have to deal with two more levels of development in action, modernism and post-modernism which both add their pathologies to the mix and make it even more explosive and dangerous than medieval killings with sticks, knives and swords.
Listen to the explanations of Dr. Jordan Peterson about the history of violence and you will get some important insights why the new-age ideas of mere positive thinking as a remedy for everything is just not enough – and even dangerous when we adopt those thoughts as our idea of existence. We are naive when we ignore the deeper reality – and we are easy prey to malevolence and evil.
A History of Violence: an interview with Dr. Jordan Peterson
Conflicts arise all the time when humans live together. Whether people can handle conflicts and even transform them into growth and development depends on their personal growth, their level of resilience and, at least partly, on their level of development. Lower levels, especially the warrior stage, encourage confrontation and destruction, while higher levels, the “green” stage, encourages love and compassion in the case of interpersonal problems. Unfortunately, even the green level has not yet all the means to really step out of the treadmill and see the bigger picture where all conflict is seen as an expression and clash of worldviews whose members believe they possess the one and only truth and all the others are wrong. Such a position cannot lead to understanding and peace by its very assumptions: “only WE are right”.
Humanity must grow as a whole and leave behind the first 6 stages of development before they really will be able to create peace on earth.
At least a certain percentage needs to be there and those individuals need to learn a language with which they can reach those on lower levels of development and gently – or not so gently, depending on whom they are dealing with – bring them to a new and better understanding about what really matters in life.
How would our world look like if we really knew how precious LIFE is?
We are so much used to take life for granted, only
Life is manifesting itself
when a baby is born we get excited about the miracle which coming into life represents; or, maybe, we get excited when we observe seeds sprouting and growing into huge plants. The enormous potential which enfolds in front of our eyes; yes, we might still have a sense of awe and wonder.
Autumn – the metaphor for death and rebirth
Then there is the other side, the end of life, and we don’t want to go there too often. We try to avoid thinking about death and dying and only when we are directly confronted with it do we give it some attention, the minimum possible. For fear of being “pulled down” we neglect our human duties towards people at the end of their lives. We don’t go to visit them, we deny them the comfort of not being alone in this difficult transition time because we do not want to be reminded of our own inevitable end. By not thinking about it we imagine that the “problem” will disappear magically, that somehow we won’t die, anyway…
How we pass our life time
As a consequence we have little chance to become aware to what extent our life is precious. We live it, daily, dealing with all sorts of distractions, often disguised as “important”, we are wondering how the next day will unfold: will it be as hot as today? Will it finally rain and end the severe drought? Will the President finally become a reasonable person? Will the terrorists attack again? Will I be safe? – Never ending questions which keep our thoughts and emotions occupied. We put our attention mainly on what doesn’t work, what should be better – and often we have a naive and sometimes also a can-do idea of how we can create a better world for ourselves.
So most of our time we are occupied – and preoccupied. And most of our time we don’t really LIVE our lives in the sense of being fully present to ourselves and our experience. We try to get out of the “experience” as soon as possible, especially when it is a bad one, and then we have something to tell to others.
By telling our stories we, again, most of the time are not present to ourselves and our precious lives. We bridge the waiting for the horrible hours, days, months or years to end – by finding something which replaces the direct confrontation with LIVING.
Waiting Alone Together
I wrote about the many ways of WAITING which seems to be the main occupation of living creatures as soon as they have some sense of time. (Read it here). Then there are some moments when the stream of waiting is interrupted: a sudden smell of roses,
Passing by a rose fence re-evokes pleasant past times
a flashing image of a happy moment in the past, a short and meaningful eye contact with somebody, a musical line filling you with joy, the awkward attempts of a baby or young animal to walk: many snapshots which can wake us up from the dull routine of the passing hours until tonight, tomorrow, next year, some distant day from which we expect salvation.
Becoming more present – but not too much, please!
Yes, we can learn to be more present to ourselves and what our experience is, but it actually is a necessity that for the most part of our days we are acting on autopilot. We couldn’t live otherwise.
Walking, falling, getting up again
Imagine if you needed to pay attention to every movement of your body, to every step while you walk. When you try to do that, just for fun, with intense attention, you end up stumbling over your own feet. It makes a lot of sense that we automate much of our behaviors, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to be attentive to what is going on around us. And even there: we are continuously making choices regarding what we notice and what not, what is important enough to pass through our perceptual filters and what we can ignore – which actually is most of what surrounds us. Not being able to ignore irrelevant things, like not being able to forget, is a curse to humans which makes their lives miserable by the overload of endless input into their sensorial system.
So let’s be grateful that we are not always aware of everything.
This doesn’t mean, though, to push away those things which are important to be included in our awareness. And maybe the biggest one is the recognition of the preciousness of life and the gratitude we need to nurture for being alive, still alive and able to enjoy and to suffer, to give and to receive, to be a full human being.
That’s what inspired me to write this post:
The badger on the road
The reason for this post was a brief experience of the past few days. Last Sunday we went on a bike ride. There was a badger lying on the road. I hate when cars run over animals when lying dead on the road. This one was at the side but we wanted to put it into the nearby field and give it the due respect by this mini-ritual of a burial. Coming nearer we realized that it was not dead. It’s breath moved his chest, up and down, it seemed to sleep peacefully. But it was hurt, obviously, and destined to die.
What is the RIGHT thing to do here?
What to do? From an ethical point of view, but also from a practical one? The mind says: the best thing is to end its suffering. But how? Would you be able to roll over it with your car? Yes, I know, at the moment it is fashion among the terrorist to run over people with their trucks. How can they do THAT? And could you do it, even if it is “only” an animal? Well, we didn’t have that choice while traveling on bike. What else? Hitting it with a stick? I once tried to kill a badly injured duck, and I did it so unskilfully that it haunted me for months because of the extra suffering I had created for the animal, despite my intention to help.
Better not get bitten by teeth like that!
We didn’t even dare to lift the badger up to carry it away, to a shady place, to die without being burnt by the hot summer sun. We feared that it could come to life again and we would become the target of its defense. Would you risk the bite of a strong wild animal? Obviously, we decided to let it be there, breathing quietly lying on the shoulder of the road in the hot sun – and I felt a wave of compassion for this creature and the impossibility of helping.
Sometimes we need to let go
It is not easy, at least for me, to have to tolerate the idea that there is nothing I can do and that I need to let other creatures, whether animals or humans, go through their destiny path, no matter if self-created or not. It is not easy to watch people run into their misfortune which you, from the outside, can see as not inevitable. But how can you tell them, or help them, to change, to come out of it, to embrace life again by transforming their habits and belief systems? I tried it once, desperately, with an ex-husband, until I finally understood that there was nothing I could do to change his life. The only thing I could do was to change my own life which had become quite miserable while I lived within that relationship. I had to let go of the sense of duty, the idea that I am responsible for the other person (a trait which many women cultivate) and that the best thing for both of us was a total separation with no regrets.
A butterfly – the symbol of transformation into something alive and beautiful
Easily said, not so easily done. But fortunately I had many experiences with animals here on my farm, similar to that one with the badger, and so I knew I could do it. I have chosen LIFE over a covert death while still alive. And I have also understood how the fear of our physical death brings us into situations where we do not live our lives, where we are caught in tragedy and distraction which keeps us away from the really important things in life: compassion, love and presence to our experience.
What can you do when your house has crumbled down and your work and income were bound to the place where you live? I guess it hasn’t happened to you, but there are folks which are truly left alone with that problem.
Today we decided to drive into the area where many villages and towns were heavily compromised by strong earthquakes from August 2016 on. We live about 50km as the crow flies from the epicenters of these earthquakes. I felt them strongly, nothing happened here to my house, but o boy, it did destroy more than I had feared.
Driving to the earthquake area – a real shock!
It is only for 2 weeks (after 10 months of inaccessibility), that one road has been opened into the area, from Norcia to Castelluccio on the high plateau of the Sibillini mountains. Some parts of the road were completely renewed, others limited to one track and you see the outer part of the road hanging down, and heaps of rocks, as you would expect. Then the view opened up to the plateau – and WOW. A huge crack runs over the mountain chain now, the rock has broken open over many kilometers. I remained in awe considering how much power had been released to split the mountain.
The high plateau of Castelluccio with the huge crack in the mountain chain
Finally in Castelluccio, the village of the famous lentils: I had been there many, many times. Only a few years ago the last of the previously abandoned houses had been rebuilt and tourists came to visit the village or even buy a tiny house, especially people passionate about Hang Gliding, as a school had been founded in this place.
Castelluccio destroyed by the earthquake
See here what is left of the village. I took this photo from the spot where during my last visit two years ago I had sat on the porch of a bar and specialty shop, enjoying the delicious local food.
Ex-bar in CastelluccioBar and shop in the trailer in Castelluccio
The building of the bar has collapsed, the shop and bar-service are now offered from a trailer – and it is only for these last few weeks that a handful of people show up again and buy their stuff. And the 10 months in between?
What the people tell us
Talking with the owner I mentioned that they are very unfortunate because they are left alone in their misfortune. WE ARE LUCKY BECAUSE WE ARE STILL ALIVE – was his answer. Wow again!
He told me a little about the event and what happened later. From last August on, when the first earthquake hit about 25km to the south – when 300 people were killed – everybody living in that area was on high alert. And when 2 strong earthquakes hit 4 days before the big one, everybody went to sleep in campers or tents – and that’s why they survived. A witness reported that during the strokes he wanted to leave his camper but the surface of the street came up, right into his face, the waves were incredibly high. He still lives – or lives again – in his camper near the mobile bar and right next to the container-station of the military – who don’t seem to be active or even interested in fixing anything, just wandering around, in 5 or 6, while the village is doomed in its state of total destruction.
People who once lived there are not allowed to enter their houses, and the bar keeper himself had to fight to be allowed to come back and open his little activity in front of his destroyed property. “Maybe in 30 years”, he said, “our shop will be in our house again”, With that, he expressed clearly the little hope for help which the people have in Italy to come back into a normal life. This is the common experience here. The historic city Nocera Umbra to the north of Assisi was totally destroyed in 1997. Now, in 2017, it is finally rebuilt, but with almost nobody living in the historic center anymore. After 20 years everybody has found some other place to live and to earn their money, not by choice, but by necessity.
How long would you wait to come back home?
How long would you be able to wait for coming back into your property? Two years? Three, maybe five? But 20 years is a long time.
Our bar keeper is “fortunate” compared to those people from Nocera Umbra because he will be able to make a living, sooner or later, again, from a camper, a tent or a house, as he can offer what people need who come and visit this place: drinks and food. And we started to help him by buying some of his marvelous salami and by having a morning snack
The 2nd “shop” in Castelluccio
in his place. We also bought salami and cheese from his competitor on the other side of the Piazza who has opened a tent-shop in front of the open space which once was his house and shop…
The official lies about reality
You cannot imagine what an earthquake of this magnitude can do. Officially – for many unscientific reasons (see my previous blog posts here and here)- it ended up with a magnitude of 6.6 in the records. Cutting a mountain in half needs a little more. The bar keeper said it was 8.0 and this comes nearer to the truth. It could have been 7.6 to 7.9, but certainly not only 6.6. The quake has moved the whole mountain. A hang glider told me that he could see from above that, in addition to the crack we can see from the plateau, there is another one right behind the mountain top which literally has cut it into two parts.
Another unpredictable result of the event: the fountains in the whole area have dried out, the water veins have been blocked and the water has found a different way. It is now pouring out of the mountain near Norcia, in thousands of liters per second. This will change everything and, hopefully, the farmers find a way to continue to plant their famous lentils despite the lack of water.
“I Love Italy” – and how it is abandoned
Hold on, I still need to tell you about Norcia, the city which was so proud to have resisted the first earthquake in August last year. Norcia is now an incredible mix of “life as usual” and huge amounts of debris.
Piazza Vittorio Veneto, Norcia
The inviting restaurant on the square in front of the theatre – the colorful life as usual.
“Our” Bar with view on scrambled church
And 50 m from there in a side street: we have an ice cream in a bar – and a clear view on one of the two crumbled churches in the small Piazza
Immediate reconstruction à la Italiana – some lonely workers far back, the only ones we saw in the city
and two or three workers slowly beginning to erect some scaffolding: not to fix anything, no, but to just keep in place what has not yet fallen down.
The bank-building in perfect shape
A bank in the main street neatly restored and the shop in the same building open, while right next to it abandoned shops and small announcements that they are still working, somewhere, outside the city.
Photos of the destroyed shop behind the “curtain” and indication of where to contact the ownerWhere you can find the coffee shop…
Whoever goes there and buys their goods? The tourists come and see the historic center and buy something there; they don’t drive to the industrial area to buy something which they couldn’t even desire without seeing it exposed while strolling by.
So how do they make their living if they are not among the fortunate ones who are allowed to open their shops again in the center?
A working shop in Norcia
( I guess about 80% of the commercial activities are closed).
Commercial activities in Norcia – closed
And even those who are open again do not really have many clients. I have never seen so few people in Norcia in the past 30 years and my 20+ visits there.
The empty streets of Norcia
The main attractions are either completely destroyed, like the 4 main churches,
Santa Maria Argentea in Norcia – what is left…
or are inaccessible like the town hall which seems as if still contemplating if it is better to tumble down, too, for giving a consistent appearance to the main piazza, where only the medieval castle sits perfectly in place like a flat rock.
The town hall and the front facade of the Basilica di San Benedetto – the rest of it has crumbled down.
How interesting is a disaster in the long run?
Yes, some people are interested to come and visit these places, the “earthquake tourists”. But most people come to visit Italy and the Italian cities for admiring something beautiful and not for getting sad and thoughtful about the uncertainty of life which is expressed so clearly in the natural destruction of what has been created with so much effort.
The following thought is almost unavoidable: Imagine how places look like after a war, after intentional destruction. That’s where we don’t really like to go, and alas, who knows how many steps we are away from such a scenario?
As if a bomb has hit… A scene in Norcia
What can WE do? – What can I do in the face of disaster?
I am an optimist and I believe that we are all called to engage in activities and with people who passionately work for a better world. I am speaking of people like Jordan Peterson who has opened my eyes and helped me to recognize my “new-age” illusions about the “goodness of everything”, to see my naïveté regarding my irrational hopes and folly acts of trust in people who don’t merit it. I came to understand that there is true malevolence in this world and that we need to learn to recognize it and to stand up against it – as does Steven Greer by disclosing the secrecy with which we mercilessly are misguided. View previous posts on this blog here and here and here)
And here is a big “Thank You” to Ken Wilber who taught me to see the bigger picture and to appreciate the efforts which people do in one or more quadrants of reality. My attempt is now to bring together all these seemingly disconnected aspects and to realize their value and transmit what they bring to the table in service of a truly better world – and to help to diminish, or even end, the influence of the malevolent forces in power.
Will you join me? And in case your house crumbles with the next earthquake, be sure to knock on my door!
Unacknowledged, Unaccountable, Unconstitutional, Unspeakable and International
And also sparsely “Undocumented” by me as it might interfere with the flow of this rant!
The events of this summer, as Heidi and I became aware of them, have stuffed down our throats some most – to continue the parallelisms – “Unpalatable” mouthfuls. Topping them all off has been the understanding that evil exists in all the horribly banal forms in which it has always been found. In this case we’ve been exposed to the vomitably sickening account of the “real” story supporting the case to be made in favor of Russian interference in our last presidential election.
Please don’t misunderstand…
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
Please don’t misunderstand, I voted for Hillary simply because she was not Donald. Bernie, running with Elizabeth Warren as his VP, would have been a combo I could have enthusiastically supported, even if not my “ideal” team. Excuse the digression which is only to clarify context.
Apropos, I considered a couple days ago reading a recent article in The Atlantic, linked to a post on Facebook by someone whose name I’ve forgotten. The author. Rosie Gray, titled her article:
(with this subtitle, still quoting Browder): “I hope that my story will help you understand the methods of Russian operatives in Washington and how they use U.S. enablers to achieve major foreign policy goals without disclosing those interests.” It was a bone chilling account of ruthless oligarchical mafiosi of the worst Russian sort and their battle with the equally “competent” Vladimir Putin. The utter cruelty of all parties in their struggle to loot the rest of the world, now that the homeland itself has been cleaned out, recalls the extremes of Stalin and Hitler and Mao and all those Kim Il Somebodies in North Korea and elsewhere. Undercover of some ism or other, they stop at nothing to attain immense wealth and power. Such (inset your favorite evil here) -opathy requires endless struggle against real or imagined enemies for which we all pay.
stunned with incomprehension
Sergei MagnitskyMikhail Khodorkovsky
I confess that I intuited what the article would recount and passed it unread on to Heidi, who was stunned with incomprehension at what Browder recounted in Gray’s article. With the (perhaps) unknowing enabling of American law firms and publicists, a great campaign was launched by Putin to repeal – or at least “defang” – the Magnitsky Act which had been passed by Congress in 2012 in response to brutal and fatal human rights violations of a lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, who had been uncovering illegal pilfering of, among other activities, the Russian treasury by Putin himself – along with his cohorts. What he eventually uncovered was a veritable hoovering machine which provided Putin personally with percentages of the take of the cream of the oligarchs who didn’t want to end up like the wealthiest of them all, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, publicly humiliated in a cage for a trial that put him in prison for 10 years followed by exile in Switzerland. In the course of the cover up exposed by Magnitsky, others were murdered, not always within Russia itself.
The Magnitsky Act enabled billions of Russian funds held in banks elsewhere, especially in the United States, to be sequestered. This included Putin’s own money and that of his henchmen who no longer trusted that their money would be safe within Russia. The Panama Papers added much detail to these operations.
The Magnitsky Act enabled billions of Russian funds to be sequestered.
Vladimir Putin
As horrible as these ongoing crimes have been, they are internationally recognised as illegal and subject to legislative control. Now I want to pass onto another huge area of concern, but in this case the events are not seen as illegal…because they are neither known nor acknowledged!
As such there is no law against these activities and no legal entity is responsible, right here in the good ol’ USA! The unmistakable ongoing presence of living entities from beyond this earth.
…they have…mastered faster than light limitations on speed
Dr. Steven Greer
In the past few months, and especially since May, we have become aware, largely due to the tireless and decades long persevering research of Dr. Steven Greer, of evidence that Heidi and I consider convincing regarding:
The unmistakable ongoing presence of living entities from beyond this earth.
Their presence has been known by intelligence and military authorities since at least World War II.
Captured ET “personnel” and craft have been mined for information and technology which no civilian authorities, even presidents, have knowledge of, let alone control of.
These extraterrestrial beings have “travelled” so far from other star systems that they have, ipso facto, mastered faster than light limitations on speed (and mass!).
Since the 1950’s humans have been able to mimic some of their technologies, including “anti gravity” techniques. Some are genuine and some are, shockingly, choreographed to fool, intimidate, mislead, create war hysteria, sometimes even assassinate, others who have dared to speak frankly of these phenomena.President Eisenhower
The motives are simple enough: to retain control over existing forms of energy (fossil fuels, etc.) and the stranglehold of scarcity which generates unspeakable wealth among the very few who are privy to these programs which are unauthorised, and therefore unsupervised, by any constitutional authority (and hence Illegal) – or any authority outside than their own siloed compartmentalized realms. No single conspiracy or cabal knows all the activities, being restricted to their own “need to know” areas. Of course, the military uses private contractors for research, development and production, but the costs are unknown and no one “keeps books” on them. Banks are involved, but they don’t know details of operations. Science and technologies are employed as needed, including great universities, media is controlled and corrupted, politicians may be included if they can be “trusted” or bought off.
…presidents are denied information as they have “no need to know”.
Briefly, presidents are denied information as they have “no need to know”. Military as high as the intelligence head of the joints chiefs of staff are denied even knowledge that these “Unacknowledged Special Projects” (USAPs) exist, let alone their contents. UFO? OURS? THEIRS? If so, who are we, who are they?
Dr. Steven Greer has painstakingly documented a huge dossier of information from highly credible sources – as well as his own observations which he has revealed in endless interviews, videos, and films since the early 90’s when he was asked by others who were too exposed or too fearful (or in some prominent cases, just too chicken shit) to risk their own political, corporate or academic careers.
To be sure, he too is protected by high and powerful agents, many ex-military, who enable him to continue his research and ongoing exposés. Heidi and I trust that anyone reasonably intelligent and open minded will also find him credible after some exposure to him. An excellent place to start would be his just released crowdfunded video documentary “Unacknowledged” available for rental or purchase ($15) through Amazon. His earlier film from 2013, “SIRIUS” is now free on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C_-HLD21hA
Today the answer is easy and quick: I am truly waiting for the super heat wave to finally pass. And then?
Waiting seems to be a fundamental human “activity” although it can appear in quite different clothes. Why are we waiting and what are we waiting for?
Being busy and waiting at the same time?
You might say: I don’t wait a lot, I have so much to do, and I have no time for waiting. You might exactly FEEL like that, but aren’t you waiting, anyway? Waiting for the work to be finally accomplished, for the boss to finally recognize your bravery, for the next pay check, for the next weekend, for the lunch break, for a coffee or a cigarette? You might not be actively waiting by sitting in the corner and thinking exclusively about what you are waiting for. You might be engaged in all sorts of different activities and the waiting component runs alongside, undercover, in your mind and in your organism.
Life is waiting
Waiting for new life
I was struck lately by the insight that all human (and animal) life consists of a permanent time stream characterized by waiting. A pregnant woman is “expecting”. Doesn’t that mean that she is “waiting” for the fetus to grow in her belly and then be born? Sometimes women are waiting far over time to give birth to their child, this is recognized as “waiting”, for sure. But before birth it was waiting, too; waiting for the unknown to arrive, waiting for what could happen the next moment – the movement felt in the belly or the lack of it -, waiting for the next week, the next month, the next year. We don’t know what will happen and we are waiting for the future to unfold in our lives.
Active & passive waiting
A dog’s active waiting
There is a difference between “active” waiting and “passive” waiting, or conscious waiting and waiting without being conscious that we are waiting. The fetus is waiting to grow and has no idea that he or she does so. Children become conscious about their waiting in increasing degrees. When hungry, the baby cries and waits for the food to arrive. Later children are told that they need to wait for all sorts of things. It is part of the training for life that children learn to postpone gratification, which means nothing other than waiting consciously for a goodie instead of devouring it immediately. Studies show that children who have learned this have a hugely higher probability of being successful in life. So waiting purposefully for something better in the future is a very useful thing, not bad at all.
Conditioned for waiting
Too young for…
But when can “waiting” become a “bad” thing? Actually, the “bad waiting” demand creeps into our lives without us really noticing it. A 4-year-old is told that he or she has to wait until 6 to be able to do or get certain things; all children wait to become older, teenagers or “adults”, because they think that “real life” will start then whereas their child-life is somehow insufficient, not valuable and therefore to be gotten over as soon as possible. The joyful life of a child’s mind is erased by the desire of a promised future which needs to be waited for. Waiting for getting older overshadows the present and devalues it as “not ok”.
Later, when we get the scooter license we are waiting for the car driving license; we wait until we finally can leave school – which was my case, for sure – and then we can go to University, when “real life” promises to begin. Some time into University I was waiting for finally passing my exams and becoming an MA. Other people are waiting for their completion of the professional training because the “true life” will start with finding a good job. Maybe we have found a husband, wife or life partner in the meantime for whom we have waited since adolescence and whom we have expected to guide us into the promised land of a fulfilled life. Maybe we are lucky and it works out for some time, but aren’t we all waiting for the relationship problems to arrive which we have witnessed as “normal” among others. Or better, aren’t we waiting for them NOT to arrive? We are waiting, though, in one way or the other.
Stepping up the ladder until…
In our professional career, we start waiting from day #1. Normally we begin at the bottom of the power hierarchy and we are told that we have to march up the ladder to success, as an employee as well as a solopreneur. We invest a lot of energy, of work and of learning and we are constantly waiting for the moment when all that will “pay off”. Some people seem to have reached what we want to reach and they promise to teach us how to do it ourselves – by feeding them money from our desire to abbreviate the waiting time for the fulfillment of our dreams.
Does waiting ever end?
Maybe your waiting ends in one particular field, but there is still enough waiting material in your life where you can continue to engage whole heartedly: your first, second or fifth child to be born, to go to school, to grow up, to become successful and what not; everything you were waiting for for yourself can become a waiting subject for you by transferring it to your children, or your siblings, your group, your society.
What are we waiting for and why?
So what are we REALLY waiting for? For a better future? For something miraculous to happen in our lives? For the world to change? For freedom, wealth, health, success, whatever? For being free from the burden of responsibility? The burden of living? The promised land after all the suffering which human life implies?
Active-passive, conscious-unconscious
You might insist that you are not waiting, you have a goal to achieve and you are busy the whole day to finally arrive there. This is a form of non-conscious waiting, non-active waiting, as your activity is bound and focused on that goal and you are not sitting around noticing the awkward burden of “just waiting” like you might know it from the doctor’s waiting room or before the results of an election are announced. Those moments I would call ACTIVE WAITING and we all are good in trying to get over that as soon as possible by distracting our attention from the burden of conscious active waiting. But it is still waiting when we watch a film, go out for dinner or dive into our work during these times of focused expectations.
I believe that, ultimately, we are waiting for the end of our life on earth, curious what might happen afterwards. This long waiting time is structured by the many worldly things we are waiting for. If it is the financial success, career fulfillment, becoming grandparents or reaching enlightenment, there is no real difference regarding our propensity for waiting. The object of the waiting process changes according to our age and stage of consciousness, to our inclinations and personality traits, but the waiting persists from birth to death.
Who are you in the face of – waiting?
So the question arises: What is it what you personally are waiting for? What did you wait for when you were a child, a young adult, in midlife and in your older years? Did the objects of your waiting change? And did you reach what you were waiting for and how did that feel for you? Did it give you the satisfaction and nourishment which you had expected? And in case you didn’t reach it: what was the consequence of it? Did you become disappointed and bitter, or did you succeed to get a kick into the future because of the failure? Only you can find that out, it will be different for everybody, at least on the surface, but probably not in the deeper layers of life. Here the question is: Did you learn and are you still learning from the outcome of the various waiting processes you were engaged in? Does it lead to your growing up into a differentiated and responsible adult? Or did you stay a helpless child in a grown up body?
Still waiting to grow up?
Playing with the world like with a Teddybear
Looking at the present situation of our world it is easy to deduce that most people are stuck with the last option. A president who behaves like a 4-year-old. Military chiefs in need of new playgrounds for their insane games, scientists who try to bend reality to their theories, ruthless mafia gangs pursuing money and power: none of these display maturity as a human being but being stuck in egocentrism and omnipotent fantasies – a rather low level of possible development which is available to us humans today.
So where are you? Where am I and where are those around us?
If you have read so far I assume that you have traveled more of “the road less traveled” (Scott Peck). You are able to face your reality and that of the world and you are willing to explore what can be done to facilitate change for the benefit of the whole world, humanity, our planet and the whole cosmos. I am really glad to meet you here!
And now?
Now the question: what can we do, both together, and each of us by ourselves?
I suggest that we begin with noticing when we are waiting, again, and check what we are waiting for and what we try to avoid with this specific act of waiting. I am talking about our waiting for others to do what we desire and want to happen. Waiting for the state, society or whoever to resolve the problems we are facing. Waiting for the courageous people to step up and take the blame while we are hiding out behind the curtain of our cowardice. Or just waiting that the nightmare will stop, that we recognize reality as a dream where we can easily wake up and everything is fine – a dear and well-practiced illusion which we are far too eager to embrace by giving it the name HOPE.
Hope, motivation, inspiration, and engagement is needed.
We need the power of hope, but hope alone and waiting for things to change is not something to rely on. Sure, change will happen anyway, but without our participation, it most likely will go into a direction which we didn’t foresee and probably didn’t want. There are too many malevolent forces in this world who will take advantage to direct change towards their own interests as soon as there is “laissez faire”, a vacuum, which our lethargy, our fears, and inertia give to them. They, for sure, are highly motivated to direct the world where they want it to go.
We need at least the same degree of motivation and dedication to counterbalance them. That means we need to get out of victimism and helplessness and begin to step up and DO. Do what? Well, begin and find out what the right thing is for you, for me, for the many others who want a positive change but are still holding back by indecisiveness.
What I am doing:
Paradiso Integrale in Italy – the home of the Wisdom Factory
As for myself, I begin with writing down my thoughts and hold public conversations at the Wisdom Factory and I am trying to inspire others to do the same and distribute their insights to as many others as possible. I talk with people about edgy topics and do my best to help them see new perspectives on “old” things. I try to connect people and to create initiatives for collaboration and co-creation – which often can mean simply: listen to each other and engage in creative dialog to find ideas and solutions together which neither of us alone could have conceived.
Will you join the tribe who decides to abandon active waiting and step into active creating? You are so welcome!
That is, both the world outside us and the world within us. Ken Wilber wasn’t the first to discover this phenomenon, but he’s the one who articulated it to me. And for that I am grateful, not simply for the realization itself but also for the difference that knowing that, deeply knowing that, is making in my life.Continue reading Have you noticed that both our worlds have changed?→
There were times, not too long ago, where the question of where you would like to live was not anything which would have concerned most of humanity. Today it is a burning question for very many people on this planet although for completely different reasons.
Although the present situation seems very difficult and almost hopeless – and I will describe why – there is a bright light shining on the horizon. Keep on reading through all the problems described!
Many people have to leave their countries
Topic #1, not only in Europe but in many countries of the world: the refugees and the migrants. Refugees definitely don’t want to stay in their own countries any longer, or better, they CANNOT remain there where they were born because of war and devastation. Migrants might not be directly threatened to be killed in their countries by actual malevolence, but they feel that they cannot find what they need there, enough food, education or personal freedom.
So, most of the people in the world move away from their home places because they cannot meet their basic needs for survival as a valued human being. They don’t actually know where they “would like” to be instead. Anything better, for sure. The best possible, if they can make it.
The problems of refugee camps
Syrians or other Middle East refugees who end up in the refugee camps in Lebanon or similar countries might live in physical safety from the violence of a war. They survive, but they are kept like slaves in the camp, without a passport if they happen to be born inside the camp, and they don’t have the possibility to ever create a life for themselves, a career, a purpose for living. They are kept in the camps because the country lives on the money which it receives from the UNO to run the camps. If the refugees left the camps the main economic pillar of the country would break away. So they don’t get any encouragement or help to move on with their lives towards a better future.
Migrants who search for a better life
A mother searching for a better life for her child
Then there are the migrants who leave their countries to find elsewhere a better life condition. Migrations have been a normal thing since the beginning of humans on this planet. Today they are perceived as a problem because, definitely, the people living in poverty want to partake, at least a little, at the rich life in the Western countries. Those people often are filled with the illusion that here in Europe everything is better for everyone – and partly it is true. Still, everyone who arrives gets food and shelter, but the people in the rich societies are, generally speaking, not very compassionate. They don’t really want to share a lot and risk to fall back into relative poverty themselves. This is totally understandable but doesn’t solve the problem. The problem was initially created – and still maintained – by the rich countries which became rich by colonialism and exploiting those countries from where the people are flooding in now. How can we find a balance here? By closing borders and building walls? Well, some leaders and many people think so, but it won’t solve the problem.
Who can choose where to live?
Many refugees want to go to Germany. At first they were welcome…
So, most people cannot really choose where to live, they have to tolerate to stay where they are or aim for somewhere, some place of which they don’t really know anything, where they probably won’t be welcome and where they would be forced to live a 3rd class life. And still, they risk their lives for getting to that somewhere-place.
What about us Westerners? When we build walls to keep others out we certainly expect that we, ourselves, are not limited by those walls and that we can freely choose to go to the other side as we like. A new form of colonization? Maybe the new settlers in the land of the unwanted people will be their unwanted people there – and they are most likely OUR unwanted people: those who don’t have enough money to maintain the same good life at home as their fellow countrymen who are fortunate enough to not have been swallowed by the technological progress and its subsequent elimination of workplaces.
Especially those are the losers who are not super intelligent or super industrious. And also the old people who don’t get a sufficient pension to afford a decent western lifestyle and all those who depend on a social support which gets cut more and more because there is no lobby for the non-productive people – and nobody cares.
Can we chose where we want to stay?
So the question gets turned upside down: can we choose to stay where we want to stay? Can we remain in the country where we lived for decades and in the house which we have built up with endless years of work and investment? Or do we need to leave to go nowhere because the banks don’t care if we have a place to live or not, and not even that we have already paid them a huge amount of money which doesn’t seem to matter at all. Nor do the governments care when they invent all sorts of new taxes to fill their holes in the budget. Once a fully owned house was a guarantee for having a safe space for the future. This has changed. If you own the house you have to pay all those taxes if you have the money or not if the house gives you any income or only huge costs of maintenance. You just have to pay, regardless if you have some money left for food or clothing. The state comes first.
What is going wrong in our societies?
We had the illusion that our societies were built in service to its populations, an organization for living together in the best possible way. We have come to the extreme where the normal population is subdued to what others decide, call it democracy or not. The real power is somewhere else, not in the will of the people. Don’t understand me wrong, I am not advocating any ideas which would lead to communist totalitarian states, but I do claim that the government should have an ethical direction and the will to serve the people instead of giving a few people the opportunity to infinite power over the well being (or not-well being) of most of the population.
Considering the present world situation:
Where would you like to live? And where would it be possible for you to live?
– Nota bene, these are completely different questions.
Where can they afford to live?
The astonishing fact is that it is not only the case of refugees and migrants to have to go away from their home countries and not really be able to choose where to go. Increasingly it will be the same for many people of the so called rich countries. Old people are outsourced in 2nd or 3rd world countries the culture of which is completely different than theirs – but where life and support are cheaper and affordable for their small budget.
Going down the rabbit hole? – Where the light comes in…
We are on the way, down the rabbit hole, unless a huge change happens which turns upside down our financial system and economic powers and renders them into institutions in service of life and prosperity.
An illusion and wishful thinking? No, not at all.
The end of secrecy and the transformation of our societies
The old way of harvesting free energy
We are already in the middle of a huge crisis – the necessary stage for something new to emerge. When we are able to expose the secrecy and malevolence of who is really leading our lives and who keep their power behind the scenes by oppressing all information which, for instance, would free us from fossil fuels and similar necessities of our present life; when this secrecy leaks and no longer works and the new and basically free energy is available to everyone, that would be the end of poverty and the end of wars – because we don’t need what others have and for what we are willing to fight, because everyone can get what they want without needing big corporations who maintain their power by creating artificial scarcity. There won’t be scarcity because of energy, or better the manipulation of energy is on the bottom of all problems. With free energy available to all, literally every person in the world, all costs would be drastically reduced and we all, included the population of the Middle East, could remain at home and live an abundant life.
There won’t be scarcity because of energy; or better the manipulation of energy is on the bottom of all problems. With free energy available to all, to literally every person in the world, all costs would be drastically reduced and we all, included the population of the Middle East, could remain at home and live an abundant life.
History is a subject in school like biology, languages, sports, whatever. It seems to be as much (or as less) important as those other subjects. I didn’t like it very much in my own school days and only now, many decades later, I come to understand why it is so important to learn about history, the history of our own country and that of those countries with which we were or are in close contact.
This article is inspired by what I learned recently about my own country, Germany, by reading books which told me many things I didn’t know. They often are not available in English, but here is an article in English which I came across only a few days ago and which gave me other info which I hadn’t known: (Read here)
Why do we re-invent the wheel whenever we can?
Letters and numbers for printing
We certainly would all agree that it wouldn’t make much sense to invent again letters and numbers in order to write down what we say. The writing was invented a long time ago and its use is still valid. We can invent some new fonts, that is fun, but we wouldn’t invent completely new symbols for the sounds, it just wouldn’t be worth the effort and lead to no better outcome. We hold the way things are written in our collective memory as we learn it in early years in school and we understand why we need it for our everyday life.
This is different with history. We learn in school about wars and similar ugly things in the past, the exact years of some historic events (mostly famous battles or beginnings and endings of wars) in order to pass the exams in school. And then we forget everything as soon as possible. In our young and adventurous mind, we might not want to hear about these horrible things which live somewhere in the unreal past. We want to do something good in the world, at least many young people do. We are full of idealism and energy, we run to object to what is not working right now and we are determined to make it better. And, unfortunately, with our limited knowledge, we also believe to be in the possession of the truth and the only working concept to make everything happen for the best outcome. We intend to re-invent the wheel and are not willing and able to realize that the wheel we are riding on had been broken time and time again in the past. We haven’t understood anything about history because we didn’t really get in touch with it in our own lives. And so our most positive enthusiasm and energy will bring us most likely to the exact opposite of what we had foreseen in our ignorance and blindness.
How long can we go on with “more of the same”?
Everybody needs to make their own experience and suffer the consequences of their decisions. Well, yes, this is fundamentally true. But do we really need to re-invent the wheel or the written word? Isn’t there a possibility that the next generations can learn from what has worked in the past and what has not?
I believe that this is the only way for humanity to survive the present challenges. As long as we were only a few humans working with an ax and scythe we couldn’t create much damage even when committing the worst errors. With the number of people on the planet and the easy buttons for virtually everything we just cannot allow everyone to experience their destructive thoughts and actions before becoming wise. The damage might be fatal. We as humanity need to not fall into the same errors ever and ever again!
Why do I write all this?
Because I am learning about the cause and effect of not knowing what is important to know for getting oriented in life instead of bouncing around with all sorts of undesired outcomes.
And also because I realize that we humans have a hard time to learn from history for several reasons:
We are humans and want to have our own way, At least at a certain level of development, we don’t tolerate that others tell us what to do or not to do. Resistance is a major trait in humans, as well as egocentric orientation.
What we learn in school about history is biased according to the dominant political position of the society we are living in. In history books, facts might be listed, but many are not named, they are “white lies”, and the interpretation of the facts are one-sided and intentional to create a certain outcome.
Some “facts” are not evident to be that. Today we would call that “fake news”. An objective view on history is very difficult and to teach it to others in an understandable and motivating way even more.
We just don’t listen to enough different views and perspectives on the past to really become able to understand on what ground our own life is based.
We use the easy button, motivated by all the difficulties and inclinations mentioned above. Accordingly, in a naive conviction to be willing to do our very best, we go out in the world and, by doing that, we increase the chaos and the problems instead of resolving them. Against our good will we become part of the problem, not of the solution.
With that, I begin to understand why so many attempts to do good in the world end in disappointment, frustration, and even destructive behavior; the total opposite of where it started from. And I also begin to understand that we neglected the study of the past, our own past as a human being, by not discovering our dark sides and our still unrealized potential; as well as the past of our cultures, of our ideas and how they worked out when adopted in real life.
Germany’s predicament
The Symbol for Germany
Maybe that now is the right moment to tell you what inspired me to this post. It was the article as mentioned above, but also books and films about my native country Germany which tell a different story than the one we heard in school. History lessons stopped before WWII when I was at school and no word about the mindset and the specific German traits which were the basis for such an outcome to be produced. Nobody really wanted to talk about the recent past where so many murderous things have happened. There was the collective attempt to just forget all about it. Otherwise, people of my country, every single person, would have needed to question themselves about the degree of their participation and their enabling of what has happened. There was a huge silence in the families, we became oriented into the future, the past was over and we didn’t get to know anything, especially not about how our family lived in those times.
What we knew and didn’t know as children in Germany
The three elder siblings with the hated aunt Erika
Well, yes, we knew that my mother went 2x25km with a very primitive bike to get a sack of potatoes from distant farmer relatives. We knew that my mother married my father during the war, during his second holiday days from the war line. (So they knew each other for maybe 10 days altogether before marrying). We knew that she went to the prisoners’ camp and succeeded that my father was released already in 1947 while others were kept prisoners there for many more years and under terrible circumstances.
My mother: The fourth child of five has arrived
We knew that my father couldn’t proceed with his University studies which he had begun in the first year of the war, but that he did a crash course to become a primary-school teacher, and that he hardly succeeded to feed his quickly growing family with what he earned. Yes, we got to know these things, but we never got an emotional impression of what they had gone through, they never wanted to talk about what had happened with their Jewish neighbors and how their position was towards the Nazi party and its ideologies. And as children, we even didn’t know that there was something that we could have asked. Silence everywhere in the society which was eager and busy to build itself up again.
Confronting the past
Bettina Alberti wrote a book (Bettina Alberti on the post-war generation ) – and most impressively talked about it at the conference I attended last month – about how the silence has impacted the children and grandchildren of that generation. In the past 30+years, many conversations took place in Germany to come to terms with our collective history, mainly by members of the younger generations. The victim/predator generation was caught in amnesia of frozen fear and terror, psychologically unable to face the topic. Germany has done a lot to finally face its past, to acknowledge the guilt and to try to do some amends: For instance, the beautiful gesture to welcome all refugees by remembering how difficult it was for German Jews to find a secure place in another country. (It was by no means that countries like America opened their heart and doors to German Jews – unless they found someone already in the country who would take over reliability for them – a fact that too easily is ignored when talking about the generosity of other countries in the face of Hitler’s horror regime).
Overcoming and healing the past to become able to face the future properly
Today Germany is called again to take over leadership in the world and to not leave vacant this position to the detriment of all, as it would allow those forces to grow and reign which would certainly contribute to a further destabilization of the world. Other countries are somewhat fearful to have seen Germany rise, and Germany itself is hesitant to take over the leadership role in remembrance of its past. We Germans have still a weird relationship to our nationality and our nation. And that means that, despite all the efforts, we haven’t yet transcended and included our past.
Becoming a healthy and trustworthy nation, unfortunately, is not a question of neither decision nor contemplation of the collective guilt. Every one of us has to look deep inside and search for the personality traits which have enabled the behavior of our parents on one side, and on the other side, we need to clearly see and name the abuse which deliberately has taken place by the ideologists. We need to separate the wheat from the chaff and stop throwing out the baby with the bath water. Our ability to commit, be faithful, do things well and be enthusiastic for idealistic goals has been betrayed and exploited in the worst possible ways. But, after all, we are still operating inside of this framework! And as long as we don’t bring our personal shadows at the light and find out how far they are embedded in our unconscious and how we can get some hand on them, then we can by no means be sure that we wouldn’t repeat the same old errors.
The courage to feel
We need to FEEL what it means to be a victim, and to FEEL what it means to be the perpetrator, we need to understand that we, individually, are capable of the most horrendous things in situations that favor our worst parts to be acted out – unless we intimately know them and can decide wholeheartedly against them. We as humans have the whole spectrum of possible ways of being, the noblest ones, and the very worst ones. Unless we don’t get acquainted with the murderer in us we cannot be a good person. Unless we recognize the dictator inside ourselves we will unconsciously work towards becoming one – or be his or her victim. (Read my blog post on the conference “The Courage to Feel” here)
Whoever told you these things in your history lessons? Whoever told you that evil does exist and that it dwells right inside you and will command you unless you get to know it and take over the command yourself? Goodness is not automatic, it needs to be desired and worked towards wholeheartedly!
If you want some inspiration about what everyone of us can do to avoid the errors of the past, individually and collectively, here some resources (click on the links below)